Dick Edwards’ Model Collection

The models are built from ‘ hobby shop’ kits of plastic models having scales 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32. That is, for example, a 1/32 scale model is 1/32 as large as a full scale aircraft. Although many countries of origin are represented, most models in this collection are from the US, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan. They cover the entire period from 1903 (the Wright Flyer) to the present (the Douglas C-17 cargo transport). As nearly as possible, the models are displayed chronologically, and cover many historical events, including two world wars.

There are apparent duplicates that in fact reflect small changes of design to obtain better performance, or perhaps in response to a customer’s wishes. Each model is identified by a card showing the name of manufacturer, the aircraft’s name, and the year of first flight.

Aircraft are arranged according to the following scheme by row, scale and type:

Our display case is 40 feet long; on its seven shelves are more than 1000 models, increasing at the approximate rate of one more model per week. You are welcome to send us any corrections, additions or comments.

The bottom row exhibits 1/32 scale models by year. Row 2 shows 1/48 scale single engine aircraft, and row 3 contains 1/48 multi-engine aircraft. 1/48 jet aircraft are on row 4; multi-engine 1/72 aircraft are on row 5; row 6 has 1/72 single-engine aircraft; and row 7 includes both jet aircraft, and ‘pre-plastic’ wooden models.

About the Builder